

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Summer Reading Thing Challenge

Because the person with the most challenges wins, I found another one that is loose enough rule-wise for me to play along. These are my favorite sorts of challenges! This one is the Summer Reading Thing Challenge and it is a very relaxed sort of challenge. It doesn't hurt that I think this button is, well, cute as a button. ::groan:: I tend to use the seasonal "Thing" challenges to make myself finish those books I have bookmarks in but keep putting aside in lieu of other books. And since it's worked for me in the past, I'm going to do it again. So here's my list for this one (and yes, I know it contains fewer books than I declared I was going to read in all of July but I'm hedging my bets so I can be successful on at least one of these challenges!):

1. Waltzing at the Piggly Wiglly by Robert Dalby
2. Book Lust by Nancy Pearl
3. Before You Know Kindness by Chris Bohjalian
4. What's a Girl Gotta Do? by Sparkle Hayter
5. The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon

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